Rooftop Solar PV System

Buying Guide for Urban Consumers

Sunspeed Solar Opportunities

The common thing required to run all these gadgets is electricity. We can’t think of a smooth life without these gadgets and electricity. In Fact, backup systems like battery banks or DG sets are installed for uninterrupted supply.
The problem in urban area is not the availability is electricity, in fact in many A&B class or metro city availability is electricity is not an issue.

Solar Sustem for Home

In the daytime, the energy requirement by the connected loads is fulfilled by a solar photovoltaic (PV) system installed. If or when the demand side consumption exceeds the power produced from the solar PV plant, the grid-tied inverter imports the excess power from the grid. Similarly, if the power produced by solar modules is greater than demand load, the excess power is exported to the grid for which the consumer gets energy credits from the Electricity department.

Thus, in daytime, the primary source of energy is Solar. In the evening and nighttime, when the sun is not present, the grid powers the load connected throughout.

Thus, during this time, the primary and only source of power is the grid supply.

An on-grid system is designed to first allow solar energy to be consumed by the customer. The system owner acquires the energy credit at the end of the month (or maybe year – in some states) if the electricity exported exceeds the import and only pays for the electricity imported from the grid in case import exceeds the exports. This system involves the installation of a net energy meter that keeps track of electricity imported and exported by and to the grid.

Sunspeed Products

Discover a wide range of solar and energy-efficient products at SunSpeed. From solar water heaters and rooftop systems (on-grid, off-grid, hybrid) to solar home lights, panels, inverters, pumps, fences, batteries, and street lights. We also offer solar conditioners, other solar products, smart LED TVs, battery and inverter solutions, and water RO and softener systems. Power your home sustainably with SunSpeed!
